Aircraft Tools Blog


If your pneumatic rivet squeezer is not developing power, there could be several potential issues causing this problem. Here are some common troubleshooting steps to help you identify and resolve the issue:

Check the Gap between the Rivet Sets: #1 Common Problem

If the gap between the two rivet sets is even a hair too small the squeezer will not develop power.  This is the most common issue for new users of pneumatic squeezers because it just simply does not make any sense.  The reason is that the pneumatic squeezer develops its power at the very end of the stroke.  There is a cam inside and if it does not go past the center of the cam the squeezer will develop little power.  Simply remove a washer or widen the adjustment if you have an adjustable set holder and try again.  You may need to do this several times to find the sweet spot for your squeezer.

Check the Air Supply:

Ensure that your air compressor is supplying an adequate amount of compressed air to the rivet squeezer. Check for any leaks in the air supply lines and make sure the pressure is set correctly.

Inspect Air Hoses and Fittings:

Examine the air hoses and fittings for any damage, kinks, or blockages that might restrict the airflow to the rivet squeezer. Replace any damaged components.

Check for Air Pressure Regulator Settings:

Verify that the air pressure regulator on the rivet squeezer is set to the appropriate level for your application. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines for the recommended pressure setting.

Inspect the Pneumatic Squeezer:

Examine the rivet squeezer itself for any visible damage, loose components, or clogs in the air passages. Ensure that all the connections are secure.


Pneumatic tools require regular lubrication to operate efficiently. Make sure the tool is properly lubricated according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Maintenance and Cleaning:

Perform routine maintenance on the squeezer, including cleaning and replacing worn or damaged parts as needed. Accumulated debris or worn-out components can hinder performance.

Safety Interlocks:

Some pneumatic squeezers have safety interlocks that need to be engaged for them to operate. Ensure that these safety features are correctly set or engaged.

Consult the User Manual:

Refer to the user manual or documentation provided by the manufacturer for specific troubleshooting steps and maintenance guidelines for your particular rivet squeezer model.

Professional Inspection:

If you've checked all the above and the problem persists, it may be necessary to have a professional technician or the manufacturer's service department inspect and repair the pneumatic rivet squeezer.

Remember to follow all safety precautions and guidelines provided by the manufacturer when working with pneumatic tools. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and ensure that the tool is disconnected from the air supply before performing any maintenance or repairs.